Spring is here! The weather’s a lot warmer. There are plenty of plants in full bloom. It’s beautiful! I absolutely love how nice warm and colorful everything is. It really gives a wonderful Zen feeling to everything. My mom and I went on a great walk today, but first I’d like to share a photo of a tree in our backyard that’s in full bloom right now.
There were a bunch of bees flying around and pollinating this wonderful thing. I was absolutely in awe of this happening yesterday. It was really something special.
despite the fact that this tree has pink flowers, I don’t think that it’s a cherry blossom because it has different leaves during the late summer and autumn months. Here are the photos I took on our walk today.
It really was incredible out there! There was plenty of flowers on all of the trees. The grass was green and vibrant, and there was a little bush with some berries on it. That’s right next to the sidewalk. I love walking by that bush, and so it was a surprise to me to learn that it was a berry bush! I hope you all are enjoying the nice weather as well as the beautiful nature outside!