
53 Game Reviews

15 w/ Responses


This thing turned into an utter shit show.
It’s not our fault as artists that we weren’t properly credited. It’s not our fault that the program is hard to understand or navigate.
AlexTool got in way over his head and instead of asking for help or insight, he didn’t. With a little bit of extra work this could have been fine!
That’s partially what kills me:
The other thing I don’t understand is why so many of there negative comments seem to be so unnecessarily spiteful!
It’s counterintuitive because so many of them claim to be In favor of some artists rather then others, or to be in favor of the artists in general, give some constructive criticism and that say what is effectively a “fuck you!” To everyone.
Not cool! That behavior is pathetic and beyond childish, especially for the artists who have a long standing reputation with this site in particular!
We’re here on NewGrounds to create and entertain, not go on a pathetic rant about how “Everyone should burn in hell become this thing I don’t like sucks shit!”
We all know they’re doing it for some petty reason they can’t get over.
In that note we can come to two conclusions.
Ether Alex didn’t care about the end result of this project and has made a lot of enemies in the past that we don’t know about, or, Alex really did try his best with what he knew and people are whining that it got on the front page despite its clear lack of quality.
I’m a glass half full kind of guy so if the latter is true then I have two things to say,
AlexTool, You know what other collabs are supposed to be like, otherwise you wouldn’t have thought to make one yourself. With a little more time and effort this could have been fine. Why was this rushed and why didn’t you ask for help when you know you needed it by the end?
Explain, even if some people won’t believe you!
If he happened to be on a tight schedule, that still doesn’t excuse the fact that he should have known better any gotten help.
The end product didn’t turn out the best we can all see that but I’m willing to forgive mistakes.
The only person who gave a stern but fair review was BrickerlySebastion.
As for the rest of the people who left an overly negative review.
I don’t really like to compare myself to others, so if the reason you’re all pissed off is because this unfortunate thing happened to get front paged, then that is the most pathetic and disgraceful thing you could do to us fellow creators! Especially considering the passion and joy some of you have brought to the table with your influence! You all should be ashamed!!!
We all didn’t ask for this to be bad! We didn’t want a bunch of other influential creators shit talking us become we didn’t know any better!! I couldn’t care less If this
disaster got front page or not!!
I hope that everyone learns to be prepared when working on a project like this because it could let a lot of people down if not.
I’m sure I can safely say that we’re all so tired of this petty fucking bullshit!!

BoiledMilkz responds:

i lost you at "insight"

Creeperforce24 responds:

I’m doing what I can on my ghost collab, but I’m doing my best of what I can work with, being unprepared is a huge disgrace to newgrounds.

3Gimagination responds:

Wise words✨

Lizguy74 responds:

He’s dealing with the shit really well.
He said he’d work to be more prepared in the future.
Good on him I say.

TigerPlushiefire responds:

Well said Lizguy74 well said

riot100233 responds:

dude wth its a collab 💀

AlexToolStudio responds:

Probably mad that i blamed something



S0NICTHEIDK responds:


MikeMaster1 responds:

dude wtf is this

I rent his! This was and still is awesome!


That was really charming!

This was awesome1
Glad I could be a part of it1

Tyhond responds:

Yey! >^< Happy Earth Day! :D


So high quality and filled with references!

Crazy that this is in Flash1

That was awesome!
So glad I could be a part of it!

I like video games and enjoy the passion people have for art and storytelling. I also like the ocean and the qualities of nature as a whole.
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